Hax may come in all sizes and forms, so you should look for any excuse you can to act like the foe got lucky. And well sometimes they do. But hax doesn't have to make sense. If worse comes to worse you can just claim sleep hax after you get spored. It is very important to know what kinds of things are hax. Hax is basically just luck in some sort or fashion; luck that gives you a disadvantage in the game. Even if the foe bases something on strategy, it is still often lucky that it worked. Hax is basically anything that is a 50% chance or under. Now that I've given you a brief introduction about hax, I'll list all the main different kinds of hax someone can get against you.
Game Mechanics Hax List
- Ability Hax - When an ability that doesn't normally activate, activates by luck somehow, i.e. cursed body disabling.
- Crit Defensive Stat Hax - When the foe gets a crit while you boost your defenses somehow, crits ignore stat boosts of the foe so it does a lot more than expected. Max hax with this someone can get is 4.0; which means you have plus 6 defense/special defense and the foe lands a critical hit. It is based on a ratio basically.
- Crit Hax - When the foe lands a critical hit in general.
- Crit Kamikaze Hax - When you land a critical hit on the foe on the turn they happen to use Destiny Bond. It can also happen with recoiling moves as well, such as Flare Blitz that crits on a pokemon and since you dont expect it to crit, the extra recoil since it does up to double the damage of what you thought it would do could really screw you in a battle.
- Deceiving Damage Roll Hax - When a move does either a lot the first hit or does very low. You get upset because you either expect it to kill or expect it not to kill, both of which strategies get messed up by this hax.
- Double Hax - When a move has 2 haxes that happen in one turn. For example, waterfall critical hitting and getting a flinch in the same turn. It is possible to have more than double hax depending on the move, and how many foes are targeting you. It may be more than double hax.
- Flinch Hax - This happens when you get flinched in general.
- Gender Hax - When the foe happens to have an opposite gender pokemon when you have Rivalry or has opposite gender when it has the move Attract. Or it could be when you happen to have the same gender as a foe who has Rivalry, or you happen to have the same gender as a foe and you want to spam Attract.
- Hit Hax - When the foe happens to hit many times in a row with an inaccurate or even semi-accurate move that happens to hit a lot in a row. For example, 7 Stone Edges hit in a row; or DynamicPunch hits twice in a row.
- Item Hax - When the foe has an unexpected item, this includes berries.
- Long Turn Hax - When something happens to hit on the high end of the turns it is locked into. For example, Outrage hits 3 times in a row when you only want it to hit twice in a row.
- Max Damage Roll Hax - When the foe gets a max damage roll hit versus you in general.
- Min Damage Roll Hax - When you get a min damage roll in general, or maybe not min but is close to min because the hit before it did a lot more. When you get a low damage roll versus someone and they survive with like just a few %, you can then call it "Survive Hax".
- Miss Hax - When your move misses more than it should. This can include more than 1 turn. For example, your Megahorn misses on the 3rd time using it.
- Multiple Hit Hax - When a move used by the foe hits on the high end of hits than it normally does. For example, Rock Blast hits 5 times in a row, with 5 successive hits. Multiple Hit Hax can also refer to you not getting any more hits than 2, when you use the move more than once.
- Prediction Hax - When the foe happens to predict what moves you are going to do with your pokemon.
- Short Turn Hax - When a move hits on the low end of the turns it is locked into. For example, Uproar hits twice in a row when you want it to hit 3 times in a row.
- Speed Tie Hax - When the foe either goes last or first in a turn, to his or her favor.
- Switch Hax - When the foe happens to use a move that Super Affects you when you switch in.
- Nature Hax - When the foe happens to have the nature you either didn't expect, or didn't want to risk, so you decided to try to counter it assuming it is say Timid/Jolly if it isn't a tailwind team, or assuming it is modest/adamant if on a tailwind team, but turns out to be the opposite nature.
Hax Move List
- Ancientpower Hax - When the foe gets a +1 stat boost to all his stats.
- Counter Hax - When the foe happens to use Counter while you use a physical move. Can also refer to you using Counter while the foe happens to use a special move unexpectedly.
- Double Protect Hax - When the foe protects more than one time in a row.
- Explosion Hax - When the foe happens to Protect versus your Explosion.
- Imprison Hax - When the foe happens to use Imprison versus your team.
- Metal Burst Hax - When the foe happens to use Metal Burst while you attack with a damaging move. Can also refer to you using Metal Burst but they happen to not attack you with a damaging move that turn.
- Mirror Coat Hax - When the foe happens to use Mirror Coat while you use a special move. Can also refer to you using Mirror Coat while the foe happens to use a physical move unexpectedly.
- Ominous Wind Hax - Same as Ancientpower Hax.
- Random Move Hax - When the foe has a random move that you don't expect and it leaves you with a disadvantage.
- Silver Wind Hax - Same as Ancientpower Hax.
- Snatch Hax - When the foe happens to use Snatch and steal your move.
- Sub Hax - When the foe happens to use Substitute the turn you use a move that sub walls, such as sucker punch or ThunderWave.
- Sucker Punch Hax - When the foe happens to get you with sucker punch when you could have used a different move. Is a branch off of the Prediction Hax.
- Switcheroo Hax - When the foe happens to switch a bad item onto you.
- Trick Room Hax - The foe happens to use Trick Room in general, and leaves you at a disadvantage, either reversing TR which may be good for you, but also can set up TR which may be bad for you.
- Trick Hax - Same as Switcheroo.
Stat Hax
- Accuracy Lower Hax - Moves that lower Accuracy in general and happen to make you miss because of it.
- - D Lower Hax - Moves that lower Defense by a lucky chance. For example, Crunch lowered Defense.
- - Evasion Hax - When the foe spams evasion and you happen to not hit them.
- - Sp D Lower Hax - Moves that lower Special Defense by a lucky chance. For example, shadow ball lowered Special Defense.
- Spd Lower Hax - Moves that lower Speed by a lucky chance. For example, Bubblebeam.
Status Condition Hax List
- Attract Hax - When the foe gets lucky immobilizes by love.
- Burn Hax - When the foe happens to burn you with say Boil Over. Or when the foe has Flame Body and burns you when you attack it.
- Confusion Hax - When the foe uses a move to confuse you and you happen to hurt yourself in confusion.
- Freeze Hax - When the foe happens to freeze you by say Ice Beam.
- Para Hax - When the foe fully paralyzes you or happens to paralyze you with an ability.
- Poison Hax - When the foe happens to poison you from an ability or move.
- Status Block Hax (AKA Wrong Hax Hax) - When an ability like effect spore activates and saves your opponent's pokemon from having a different status put on it, such as if an opposing Pokemon is paralyzed by effect spore right before you try to put it to sleep.